The Hidden Joy of Solitary Dining 

  In recent years, more and more people are dining alone in large groups. In case you missed that, they are in groups, but dining alone.  If that confuses you, this is the article for you. First let me assure you that this is not political, economical, nor based on large literature, but rather isContinue reading “The Hidden Joy of Solitary Dining “

The Moon and the Star

How wondrous you are, o fair Moon Your shining light woos me near The star lights warn me of eminent doom But they see not, the flames within me sears Though my eyes see evidence of your ill will charms My heart flutters without reason or calm and has brought my peers to great alarmContinue reading “The Moon and the Star”

They Call It Restlessness. I Call It a Crisis.

So lately, I’ve determined that I like so many others in my shoes and in the age bracket of 25-35 are at a place in their life where a dawning realization comes to the front of all things conscious and forces you to really take inventory of life’s events. I am normally a “live byContinue reading “They Call It Restlessness. I Call It a Crisis.”

The Power of Help

One evening after work, I made way to the downtown fresh market to prepare for a dinner party I was having the next day. I went in armed with my list to keep me from going astray and a small tote to carry my spoils back to my cute little chevy. As someone that likesContinue reading “The Power of Help”

And a Happy New Years to You All

As the new year begins, I would like to encourage and wish all a happy new year. As the new year begins, it is my greatest hope to inspire and share likeness in taste, literature, and opinion once again and dare I say – with greater attention than before.  While I cannot say that IContinue reading “And a Happy New Years to You All”